
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

The beginning - THIEF

So today I have created my new female thief character and named it Arya Stark The One. I am a huge fan of Game of Thrones TV series - so I have decided to name her like that. I have a guild dedicated to this show, so if anybody would like to join, please read the details in this link. I wish I could name her simply - Arya Stark, but someone had probably similar idea so the name was already in use. During creation I chose for her these following traits:

The character I have created - Arya Stark The One
Name: Arya Stark The One
Gender: Female
Profession: Thief
Race: Human
Background: Anonymity, Nobility, Charm, Unknown Parents

She is currently on level 1, and I will be updating info about her progress every 10 levels (or every 5 after she reaches lvl.50) , or every time when something important happens on her journey to level 80.
After she reaches that level, the real game begins! This is going to be the point when my thief should be ready to take part in some dangerous, hard challenges and tasks. She will become a really powerful, fast assassin , dealing a sudden death to her enemies. This is the point when the game truly begins, and I will guide You through it. To stay updated - simply subscribe to this blog using options on the right panel.

Short characteristics of the thief profession (class):

(From guild wiki): Thieves are expert in the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target. They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies. They have an affinity for setting traps and using venom. As an adventurer profession, thieves wear medium armor.

(From official GW2 website): Experts at stealth and surprise, thieves move through the shadows, vanish into thin air, or steal items from their opponents and use them as weapons. Thieves practice an agile, acrobatic fighting style, which makes them very hard to hit.

 While choosing a background for Arya, my intention was to give her characteristics which are as similar as possible to Arya's character in the TV show.

Making biography for You character.

Next step after choosing the appearance is to provide a foundation for Your character personal story
and profession. Those choices are actually cosmetics, and have a little impact on what is going to happen with Your character in the game. However the profession-related questions affect a character's starting armor (or pet if you decided for Your character to be a ranger).
In case of Arya Stark The One, I was trying to get as close to Arya Stark from the TV show as possible, but I had a hard time choosing "Regrets". Unknown Parents, Dead Sister, Missed Opportunity - none of those 3 options are similar to what happened with Arya in Game of Thrones. I have decided to stay with Unknown Parents, and I don't want to explain why - I don't want to make a spoiler for somebody, who maybe just started to watch the show.

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